GRADE 12 - GENERAL ACADEMIC STRAND (GAS) → Grade 12 - GAS 1st Semester

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

-The methodology utilized focuses on analysis of case studies, role-playing, and experiential exercises designed to present the learner with a wide range of topics and decision situations. Such topics include personal and organizational ethics, ethical issues in the global arena, business’ influence on government and policy making, consumerism and consumer stakeholders, the relationship between the natural environmental and business and the relationship between business and employees—including the New Social Contact and changes in the workplace related to employee rights. In addition, participants will be encouraged to challenge their own constructs around ethical values discussed in the course of the class and examine their actions as they relate to the models presented in this course
  • Section 1
  • book reference
  • book reference
  • S.1 Making Moral Judgement
  • S.1 Introduction to Ethics
  • TEST
  • S.1. Integrating Ethics: "Ethical Judgment"
  • S. 1 Introduction to Ethics
  • S.1 Ethical Systems
  • S.1 Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
  • assignment
  • 2. PHILOSOPHY - Ethics: Moral Status
  • 2 An Introduction to Ethical Theory
  • 2 Kohlberg's Stages of Development
  • 2.Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
  • 2 Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
  • assignment
  • 2 Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
  • 2. Kohlberg's Six Stages
  • 2. Gilligan - Theory of Women's Moral Development
  • TEST
  • Section 2
  • Command and market economies | Basic economics concepts
  • When Capitalism is Great and Not-so-great
  • Is Capitalism Moral? Defending the Free Market
  • Is Capitalism Moral?
  • Bailout 4: Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market
  • Free market economic system
  • Understanding a Free Market Economy
  • Free-Market and Command Economies Explained
  • What is a Market Economy?
  • assignment
  • Ethical Issues in the Workplace
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace
  • Ethical Dilemmas Posed by COVID-19
  • What are the ethical issues facing business today?
  • Moral Hazard
  • What is an ethical issue
  • TEST
  • Ethical Issues in Advertising
  • The Ethics of Advertising
  • Ethical Behavior in Marketing
  • Advertising Ethics
  • Regulatory Issues in Compensation
  • Moral Code: Who Decides Between Right and Wrong?
  • assignment
  • Global Ethic
  • Business Ethical Dilemmas and Stakeholders
  • What is business ethics?
  • Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Business Ethics Lecture/Lesson/Definition: An Introduction and History Lesson
  • TEST
  • Section 3
  • Triple bottom line (3 pillars): sustainability in business
  • The Components of Business Ethics - The Triple Bottom Line
  • Triple bottom line - explained
  • What is Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line?
  • Triple Bottom Line Explained
  • TEST
  • Section 4
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Ethical Leadership
  • s there a moral compass beyond us?
  • Ethical Dilemma: What's The Right Thing To Do?
  • The Trolley Problem
  • Ethics in Management
  • Organizational Values
  • Bringing organisational values to life every day
  • What is Compliance?
  • What is Compliance and Why Is It Important?
  • Understanding Ethics in Management
  • Ethical Leadership and Communication
  • What Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Has Become
  • What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
  • EXAM
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed